Katana Samurai Sword Blog Header Afbeelding

Iaido Kleding

Nadat je een aantal keren hebt meegedaan met een Iaido les en je de keuze hebt gemaakt dat deze weg echt iets voor jou is dan kan je een Iaido Gi gaan aanschaffen.

Het basis kleding zijn een hakama (oorspronkelijk door de samoerai gedragen en diende vooral om de benen van de ruiter te beschermen tijdens het paardrijden), Gi (buitenjas) en Obi (band). De Iaido Gi die wij aanbieden zijn gemaakt van een hoogkwalitatieve gladde stof (katoen/polyester), zodat je niet belemmert wordt in de uitvoering van je technieken. De obi is +/- 380 cm zodat je deze drie maal rond je middel kan wikkelen voor het vastknopen, de breedte geeft ook extra steun aan je rug tijdens het trainen. De uiteinden van de Obi zijn gemaakt van zachtere stof zodat je gemakkelijk een knoop kan maken.
Volledig uitgevoerd in zwart en speciaal ontworpen met een perfecte fit zodat alle bewegingen van je lichaam perfect geaccentueerd worden. Uiteraard leverbaar in verschillende maten in de volgende webshop: www.vechtsportartikelenwinkel.nl

iaido gi

iaido gi

Demonteren Iaito of Katana

Een kwalitatieve katana of iaito moet gedemonteerd kunnen worden voor controle, reparaties of grondig onderhoud. Eveneens is het mogelijk om het een en ander te customiseren oftewel te veranderen, biijvoorbeeld een nieuwe tsuba. In dit onderhoudsfimpje laat ik zien hoe je dat kan doen met je katana, iaito of wakizashi. Kijk wel uit om verwondingen te vermijden!!

Wat komt er kijken bij het kopen van een Iaito

Wellicht herken je het wel, je wilt een Iaito kopen maar je weet absoluut niet waar te
beginnen. Tal van merken en smederijen en je wilt het liefst gewoon in Nederland iets kopen waar je langs kan gaan om je nieuwe Iaito vast te houden om de balans en feel en touch te ervaren. Hoe weet je nu wat een geschikte Iaito voor jou is en waarop moet je nu je keuze op baseren?

In onderstaande link vind je tips, overwegingen en keuzes waar je stil moet blijven staan als je een nieuwe Iaito wilt kopen. Het trainen met een geschikte Iaito zal je namelijk helpen om je technieken te verbeteren.


Het is een link op een andere site die ik ook beheer.

Met vriendelijke groet,
Jordy Klaver

Judo Pakken, Karate Pakken en Bokken

This year, we will continue to introduce you to various new products through a new website:


In answer to the increasing demand for the highest-quality uniforms , we are happy to provide this service allowing anyone with internet access the ability to purchase our products. We offer a full range of sizes and adidas karate and judo uniforms.

If you practice a martial art hard to become the best that you can, we think you deserve to feel and look your best, too.

Voor het zoeken van een kwalitatieve Iaido Gi kan je dus terecht op mijn nieuwe website:



Kaneie Sword Art

Because we have been operating for over 15 years, and a lot of martial artists and collectors know how to find us, we decided to bring the Kaneie Sword Art brand into a new level of customer service. We will have an in-stock policy, with continuous supply. We are not an invented social media marketing company but have a no-nonsense direct approach.  It is hard to believe nowadays but most customers take the telephone or just stopping by  for a cup of coffee and want to check out some new katana’s.  The Kaneie Swords are really coming close to a japanese sword and are in all aspects finished with high quality.  It is nice to have a look in their “kitchen” and see the experienced  smith, so you can see who actually forged your Kaneie katana. I hope you enjoy their openness. This is an official video.

Custom Zwaard European V.L. System

hap ki do leonart vranken Samen met Grootmeester Vranken Leonart (9e dan), de oprichter van European V.L. System, en de smederij Huanuo in samenwerking met een Japanse smid een speciaal uitgebalanceerd zwaard gemaakt volgens de wensen van het moderne Hap Ki Do.  Zie www.vva.be

De speciale katana is +/- 70 cm lang met een handvat van +/- 30 cm, uitermate geschikt voor de kleine ruimte en uiterst snel.





 special katana hap ki do

special katana hap ki do 2

Huanuo Bamboo Tamahagane katana

I have received new samurai swords from Huanuo but I want to show you some more of the Tamahagane Katana’s from the Huanuo forge.


So here we go with reviewing a Huanuo Tamahagane katana. Because now Huanuo Forge is directly selling to me for the World Wide and European Market without any chains I can offer an excellent functional sword for an outrageous price.

After long talking and discussion with Mr Fred Chen I am really into their production process and can proudly show you their new pieces.  

Their Tamahagane Katana’s are forged, folded and claytempered with a superb Hamon. The raw materials are all made in china and this Tamahagane sword is a product of small quantity. The Tamahagane katana’s from Huanuo are not made in big amounts but small scaled with eye for details. Other series like the HRC 1060 are more common and are more produced, also those swords are made with carefulness. Tamahagane katana’s from Huanuo Sword Arts are made with a Chinese tatara, a clay furnace with chargoal and bellow controlled. The iron sand they use for Tamahagane is Chinese sourced and after this process is finished the Huanuo smiths will use this Chinese Tamahagane to forge the katana’s. At Huanuo Forge they will sort the different low and high carbon pieces. The smith will forge, fold and combines high and low carbon pieces during sword forging. Like a traditional Samurai Sword this will result in a blade with a low carbon core and high carbon skin. This will cause a blade with a real hard edge and a tough body. All the blades are traditional clay tempered and the created Hamon is appearing due to the hand polishing with imported Japanese stones. The blade geometric is refined and each blade is traditional final polished with a 60 hours taking process. This process is unique in china and most forges sell only machine polished blades. This will result in a natural and unqiue hamon, without any acid enhancement. The hada is really nice and organic.

Tamahagane Silver Bamboo Katana, Huanuo,10

Because I am in this business for a long time, I know the points of attention which are really important for making an excellent production katana.  

The tsuka must be really okay, so not teared or broken wood, it makes me sad when I discover that on a new first orders from new forges I want to deal with. Those forges I give a second change but after a new discovery I quit with them. This mostly occur because the tsuka is not custom made for the nakago (tang). But Fred already knows this issue with most production swords nowadays. But for Huanuo we will have an special quality controle about this issue. Also there are some improvements with their fittings and the most important thing is  the blades are also forged with the proved techniques and the best quality available.

I will now make a visual analysis of Huanuo’s Silver Bamboo Tamahagane Katana. The overall look is very attractive and has excellent geometric characteristics in my opinion. A very important thing is to approach visual the overall sword is and check the geometric characteristics. At first the geometric blade appearance is really good and overwhelming in my opinion.

The Polish is a real piece of art and craftsmanship. It is a very delicate polish with imported stones from Japan. The polisher uses those stones like in the traditional process. Each polisher will use different stones and methods for the final polish. Basicly you can state a traditional polish is a way to look into the steel. The nagasa  shows a nice hada so you can see it is folded to get the steel more homogeneous. From what I know and have seen the steel is folded 8 to 12 times, depending how the smith experts eye is reading the steel because raw steel is reacting different to each fold. The folded layers are very good visible in the ji-hada , an area between the Shinogi-Hi and Hamon, of the blade that is not covered by the hamon-line. I think the Shinogi-Ji is not burnished but polished. The Chu-Kissaki is definitely geometric and very nice, a good job has been done. The balance is very well, the piece I checked had a POB of 18 cm. Of course this blade is differential hardened and shows a nice prominent notare hamon together with an excellent sharpness. This Blade does not have a Bo-Hi so this makes the blade very solid and gives less resistance while cutting a target. In my opinion and I can tell you honestly, a lot of samurai swords have been hold in my hands, those pieces are really very well for a reasonable price. Of course the Koshirae has to appeal you but the quality is really exceptional.

 Here you can see the awesome geometric Chu-Kissaki.

Tamahagane Silver Bamboo Katana, Huanuo,07











The fittings are solid nickel-silver.  It is quite a corrosion resistant material and very durable. All ftttings are mounted very tight and they do not show any backlash. The Habaki perfectly fits the blade and doesn’t show any gap.


 Tamahagane Silver Bamboo Katana, Huanuo,01

The Tsuba is showing a Bamboo Theme.

 Tamahagane Silver Bamboo Katana, Huanuo,02

 The Menuki is also a Kabuto.

Tamahagane Silver Bamboo Katana, Huanuo,11

Short Conlusion: An excellent functional and decoration Katana, not Japanese made but really coming close to a real Nihonto (Japanese Sword).



Bamboo Mat Katana Review – SH2438- Hanwei Forge

So, I start to take a closer look at this new sword from the Hanwei Forge. I must say I am really excitant about this new katana. The looks a really great and the O-choji hamon is really attractive in my opinion.

 At first this samurai sword is coming in a well packed wooden box, so not the the cardboard boxes which hanwei normally is using.

DSCN8604 (Small)

The specs for the Bamboo Mat katana from the piece I have checked.

Blade / Nagasa 72,74 cm
Handle / Tsuka  27,94 cm
Motohaba 3,3 cm
Sakihaba 2,55 cm
Motokasane 7.5 mm
Sakikasane 6 mm
Weight 2lbs 11.8 oz
POB 15,2 cm from the tsuba
Steel HWS-2S differentially hardened

Bamboo Mat Katana, Hanwei, SH2438,001 (Small)

The blade is the first thing I will look over. It has a geometric chu-kissaki which is always something I can appreciate. The O-choji hamon is really looking good and gives this blade an extra sentimental value. The shinogi Ji is mirror polished and gives a nice contrast. The shape is Shinogi-Zukuri with a strong sori and this creates a nice curve.

Bamboo Mat Katana, Hanwei, SH2438,011 (Small)

 The rayskin same covering the tsuka is really good quality from what I have seen and felt. You can see some nice big nodules on it. The Tsuka Ito is wrapped very tight with black cotton.

Bamboo Mat Katana, Hanwei, SH2438,004 (Small)
The menuki are made in golden sparrow theme. The Tsuba, Fuchi and Kashira are made of blackened iron. The Tsuba shows a woven bamboo mat and has some golden details. The Fuchi and Kashira matches the bamboo mat Tsuba theme.

Bamboo Mat Katana, Hanwei, SH2438,002 (Small)

Bamboo Mat Katana, Hanwei, SH2438,003 (Small)


The Saya is black with a nice black Sageo and is fitted with a buffalo horn Kuragata and  Koiguchi. The Katana I have checked had no rattle and the Habaki fits the Saya very well.

Bamboo Mat Katana, Hanwei, SH2438,009 (Small)


Like most Hanwei Swords this piece is well constructed and the parts are put well together. The katana feels very balanced and light for a full blade (no-Hi). The Tsuka feels real comfortable in my hand and looks very well. I have cut some tatami and they cuts were very clean. The fittings with gold is something you can like/dislike. But this most exciting is the awesome choji hamon, I really like this one. Also the geometric kissaki is very well made. I personally can recommend this beautifull piece to everyone who is looking for a katana who want to buy something beyond the enty-level katana’s.

Bamboo Mat Katana, Hanwei, SH2438,012 (Small)

Fire at Hanwei – Cas Iberia

Hanwei  Forging











The Hanwei Factory in Dalian is damaged due to a big fire on March 6. The damage destroyed buildings, equipment and fortunately, no human were involved. This causes a mayor effect on the product supply and this can effect the product delivery now in Europe. The general expectation is production level is back in Januari 2012, this forging has already begun again. To rebuild the factory has started already!

Huanuo Sword Art

So after waiting some weeks finally I can show you “some” pieces of Huanuo’s craftsmanship. We will have different quality’s for each purpose with a different quality and polish. Each Shinken is unique and has a nice hamon (due to differential hardening). Only the trough-hardened pieces does not have one. You for sure will not find the same swords on a different place with the beating prices and awesome quality with most of the production swords on the market.  We have an exclusive selling point for Huanuo Sword Arts in Europe so check it out with the introduction prices I will make. The pieces are tested already and I can guarantee those swords are very beautifull en functional for the real martial Artist nowadays.

Soon will there be more on Huanuo Sword Art

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